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Types of Prolapse and Surgical Treatment for Prolapse

Posted by : Prolapse Rectum on | Aug 28,2021

Types of Prolapse and Surgical Treatment for Prolapse

When a tissue or organ slides down from its usual place, it is called a prolapse. Prolapsed discs typically do not cause any symptoms, and the problem is only found during a routine check for another reason. A prolapse may create unusual pain and impair the body's capacity to operate properly in certain instances. Prolapse may occur in people with connective tissue illness because the condition weakens the tissues' attachment sites in the body. Uterine prolapse may also be caused by several pregnancies or delivering a big kid.

The Different Types of Prolapse

Many organs in the body have the potential to prolapse from their normal placements, including:

• Prolapse of the Rectal Organs

When the rectum pushes through the anus, this is known as rectal prolapse. It may range in severity from moderate to severe. Rectal prolapse may cause the intestine to protrude out from the anus when it is severe. In most cases, the large intestine starts to protrude from the body. There are Non surgical treatment for prolapse rectum.

• Prolapse of the uterus

When the uterus prolapses into the vaginal canal and potentially out of the body, it is known as uterine prolapse. The uterus starts to collapse and flip upside down. This may result in discomfort and trouble urinating. The prolapsed uterus usually necessitates hysterectomy surgery.

• Prolapse of the Mitral Valve

Mitral valve prolapse occurs when defects in the structure of the mitral valve are discovered. Mitral valve prolapse is caused by the leaflets of the mitral valve being too lengthy or the valve opening not being closed firmly enough.

Prolapse Surgical Treatment

The following operations may be used to repair a prolapse:

• Surgical obliteration

Obliterative surgery is used to restrict or shut a portion or the whole vaginal canal. The purpose of this operation is to give extra support to organs that have fallen out of their normal place and are protruding into the vaginal canal. This surgery is only performed if you are not in good enough health to undertake a more extensive procedure to address the issue.

• Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery

The pelvic floor must be repaired, and the organs must be returned to their proper positions. It may be done laparoscopically or via an open procedure. Non surgical treatment for prolapse rectum is offered.

To restore the function and look of your pelvic organs, your doctor may perform any of the reconstructive procedures listed below.

• Colporrhoea Anterior and Posterior


The tissue that keeps the pelvic organs in place is strengthened and tightened during this operation. When the bladder shifts and pushes on the front of the vaginal opening, the anterior surgical technique is used.
