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Symptoms And Causes Of Uterus Prolapse And How To Treat It

Posted by : Uterus Prolapsed on | Jun 12,2020

Symptoms And Causes Of Uterus Prolapse And How To Treat It

Uterine prolapse befalls when the womb (uterus) dribs down and presses into the vaginal region. Your doctor will perhaps be able to identify uterine prolapse centered on your symptoms and a vaginal inspection. Imaging examinations like a special pelvic floor ultrasound may be done to assess the gradation of prolapse and the state of the pelvic floor muscles. This form of ultrasound encompasses the transducer (the hand-held device that produces the images) being applied to the labia or perineum (the zone of skin between your vagina and anus). You can opt for ayurvedic treatment of uterus prolapse to resolve this.


Muscles, ligaments and other structures clasp the uterus in the pelvis. If these tissues are feeble or strained, the uterus drips into the vaginal canal. This is named prolapse. This condition is more common in females who have had 1 or more vaginal births. Other things that can cause or result in uterine prolapse consist of:

. Normal aging

. Absence of estrogen after menopause

. Situations that put compression on the pelvic muscles like chronic cough and obesity

. Pelvic tumor (rare)

. Recurrent straining to have a bowel movement because of long-standing constipation can make the problem worse.


You might have no symptoms if your uterine prolapse is only mild. The most common indication of a prolapsed uterus is the awareness of weightiness in the vagina and a feeling of 'something coming down'. At times, a lady can feel a distinct lump or bulge in her vagina or even have tissue protuberant via the vaginal opening. These symptoms generally improve when lying down and are less obvious in the morning, getting worse during the course of the day or after any toil. Uterine prolapse might also cause:

. urinary glitches such as trouble passing urine or emptying the bladder completely;

. difficulties holding urine (bladder leak or urinary incontinence);

. recurrent urinary tract infections;

. or pain during sexual intercourse

. trouble having bowel movements

In some ladies, the vagina, bladder or bowel prolapse – this is named pelvic organ prolapse. You can have more than one kind of prolapse simultaneously. The bladder can prolapse or lump into the front wall of the vagina (this is named as cystocoele) or the bowel can prolapse into the back wall of the vagina (named as rectocoele or enterocoele).
