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MHA Licensing For Hotels And Restaurants In Delhi

Posted by : metacorp on | Jul 03,2022

MHA Licensing For Hotels And Restaurants In Delhi

If an individual or a business entity wants to have a restaurant or a hotel in Delhi, it is required to have a number of licenses and permissions from various Government departments. This takes a toll on the business owner because if the business owner is busy making rounds of various Government departments, he will not have the time to conduct his actual business activity. To overcome this, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India has started a single window type of licensing for hotels and restaurants in Delhi.  What are the Licenses and certifications available on MHA licensing portal?

•    Labor Department License/ Shops and Establishment Act Certificate
•    Delhi Pollution Control Committee (DPCC) Consent to Establish (CTE) or Consent to Operate (CTO) Certificate
•    Health Trade License (HTL) from respective Municipality
•    Fire NOC from Fire Department
•    Structural Audit of the Building by an Architect 
•    Structural audit of the electrical systems
•    Tourism License from the Department of Tourism (DOT)
•    Liquor License from the Department of Excise Duty
•    Eating House license from Delhi Police
•    Music playing license from Delhi Police
•    Police verification (PCC) of the employees of the hotels or restaurants

•    KYC of the authorized person
•    GST certificate/CIN certificate
•    Partnership deed/MOA
•    Rent Agreement/Property Papers
•    Copy of last paid water bill
•    Copy of last paid electricity bill
•    Layout plan/Naksha
