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Lack of Awarness in solar Field

Posted by : Ashish Kumar on | Jun 10,2015

The most common problem or hurdle for Rapid growth of Solar Energy in India is the awareness level of common or residential people about solar energy reliability and cost effectiveness for future.

We had worked on this, we get some useful information about moods or opinion about Solar energy for alternative option for energy needs. We found that people are not aware about the solar energy and those have some idea they think this is not the viable solution for energy because of some bad experiences of few customers. Those who contacted local installers or bought panels, batteries, Inverter and get installed by local electrician have very bad experiences. The most important thing is that you should have good knowledge about the solar energy which is available on the internet for free from basic Knowledge to proper and detailed information and knowledge about all products, equipments, units, calculation design, plan, working, policies, checklists etc. After going through over internet for these information you should consult or contact to installers/solar company to have better and clear idea.

Some of the people have bad experience of buying Chinese or local panels from local dealers at very low price which are most underrated in terms of wattage, quality, performance as they are not the genuine products.
