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India strengths and weaknesses

Posted by : Taazakhabar News on | Jun 16,2015

On the positive side India is a mature democracy that has rewritten its history by conquering hunger, poverty and illiteracy. One of the fastest growing economies in the world, India today has a number of educated, efficient, high skilled and fairly young people. Its products are known for quality and in great demand the world over. These are what make India – the land of hopes. But at the same time India’s greatest weakness is a lack of national character and pride in being Indian.



India has a vast manpower of young educated with easy adaptability ability to acquire multiple disciplines of skills

Temperamentally and attitude wise can easily fit into the  Western culture

Self Sufficient in food grains and various cash crops with scope for improving productivity to produce more surplus

Wide industrial base with the capacity to produce world class items.

Wide education network – churning out half a million graduates each year. Largest school leaving student population

Less than 86 million aged (beyond working age) mostly looked after by families

Largest middle class 260 million with immense purchase power and craving to improve living styles and life standards


Number of poor below poverty level pegged at 22 per cent population


Infrastructure for imparting skills to huge workforce (at present only 2 per cent of workforce is trained skilled workers

Health care need on massive scale with training in hygienic conditioned habitats

Mentality change needed to inspire them to work rather than remain dependent on charity to feed themselves

Need to inculcate character and pride in India and Indian

Uneven social stratification must end to erase inbuilt intra caste conflicts

Major boost to renovate infrastructure to bear weight of rapid economic growth

Need for release of locked up savings with banks with conditions of security of invested savings



India is a Land of hopes


Rapid growth can sustain larger manpower with skilled jobs.

Job opportunities can be availed after training in various skills. Five million are always remitting millions of dollars each other for economic betterment of their families

Narendra Modi’s vision for governance differs vastly from the traditional visions of either the rightists or leftists. He depends more on Gandhian thought for his attention to turning the vast numbers who were deprived at the doorsteps of the economic structure for six decades

A vast nation with a central authority ruling over the federal structure with free and fair elections and responding political system with strong roots acquired in last six decades. India has seen 15 prime ministers in sixty five years with 16 elections. The Indian electorate is demanding to make accountability a major factor for performance of incumbents. The electorate is willing to gamble without fear of instability or collapse of system. No other country has seen such electoral gambles.

Degraded politics that leads to public trading of charges based on assumed malfunctioning by those in power. Habit of doubting intents and integrity of everyone persists in political arena. In fact it is abuse of freedom of expression

Prosperity may bring more violence both internal and external. Internal of people’s war groups and external is terrorism

Indian Muslims are more emancipated than their brothers everywhere. They participate in every economic and cultural activity as fully nationalists. But passionate groups within the majority are unwilling to accept the other denominations as equals. The conflicting attitudes can lead to sporadic violence.
