Energy is one of the major inputs for the economic development of any country. In the case of the developing countries (INDIA), the energy sector assumes a critical importance in view of the ever increasing energy needs requiring huge investments to meet them.
To shift "the usage from fossil fuel to renewable energy"
Renewable energy resources exist over wide geographical areas, in contrast to other energy sources, which are concentrated in a limited number of countries. Rapid deployment of renewable energy and energy efficiency is resulting in significant energy security, climate change mitigation, and economic benefits. IN international public opinion surveys there is strong support for promoting renewable sources such as solar power and wind power. At the national level, at least 30 nations around the world already have renewable energy contributing more than 20 percent of energy supply
Solar PV Panels - Mankind has been crazy to have not bothered to harness the sun's energy until now. Think about this. Go outside on a sunny day. The light falling on your face left the Sun just 8 minutes go. In those 8 minutes it traveled 93 million miles. Those photons are hauling and when they strike your PV module you can convert that motion to electricity. As technology, photovoltaic are not as glitzy as that new sport utility vehicle the television tells us to crave. But in many ways PV is a much more elegant and sophisticated technology.
Wind Power - Societies have taken advantage of wind power for thousands of years. The first known use was in 5000 BC when people used sails to navigate the Nile River. Persians had already been using windmills for 400 years by 900 AD in order to pump water and grind grain. Windmills may have even been developed in China before 1 AD, but the earliest written documentation comes from 1219. Cretans were using "literally hundreds of sail-rotor windmills [to] pump water for crops and livestock."
Today, people are realizing that wind power "is one of the most promising new energy sources" that can serve as an alternative to fossil fuel-generated electricity. The cost of wind has dropped by 15% with each doubling of installed capacity worldwide, and capacity has doubled three times during the 1990s and 2000's.As of 1999, global wind energy capacity topped 10,000 megawatts, which is approximately 16 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity. That's enough to serve over 5 cities the size of Miami, according to the American Wind Energy Association. Five Miami’s may not seem significant, but if we make the predicted strides in the near future, wind power could be one of our main sources of electricity.
Waste to energy - Every year, about 55 million tons of municipal solid waste (MSW) and 38 billion liters of sewage are generated in the urban areas of India. In addition, large quantities of solid and liquid wastes are generated by industries. Waste generation in India is expected to increase rapidly in the future. As more people migrate to urban areas and as incomes increase, consumption levels are likely to rise, as are rates of waste generation. It is estimated that the amount of waste generated in India will increase at a per capita rate of approximately 1-1.33% annually. So these huge amounts of waste could serve as a major source to generate energy.
Despite the promise of alternative energy sources — more appropriately called renewable energy, collectively they provide only about 7 percent of the world’s energy needs (Source: Energy Information Agency). This means that fossil fuels, along with nuclear energy — a controversial, non-renewable energy source — is supplying 93 percent of the world’s energy resources.
The energy consumption in India is the fourth biggest after China, USA and Russia, The total primary energy consumption from crude oil (29.45%), natural gas (7.7%), coal (54.5%), nuclear energy (1.26%), hydroelectricity (5.0%), wind power, biomass electricity and solar power is 595 Mtoe in the year 2013. In the year 2013
India's net imports are nearly 144.3 million tons of crude oil, 16 Mtoe of LNG and 95 Mtoe coal totaling to 255.3 Mtoe of primary energy which is equal to 42.9% of total primary energy consumption. About 70% of India's electricity generation capacity is from fossil fuels, with coal accounting for 40% of India's total energy consumption followed by crude oil and natural gas at 28% and 6% respectively. India is largely dependent on fossil fuel imports to meet its energy demands — by 2030, India's dependence on energy imports is expected to exceed 53% of the country's total energy consumption.
The energy derived from coal in India is about twice that of energy derived from oil, whereas worldwide, energy derived from coal is about 30% less than energy derived from oil.
Since the Industrial Revolution began around 1750, human activities have contributed substantially to climate change by adding CO2 and other heat-trapping gases to the atmosphere. These greenhouse gas emissions have increased the greenhouse effect and caused Earth’s surface temperature to rise. The primary human activity affecting the amount and rate of climate change is greenhouse gas emissions from the burning of fossil fuels.....Carbon dioxide is the primary greenhouse gas that is contributing to recent climate change. CO2 is absorbed and emitted naturally as part of the carbon cycle, through animal and plant respiration, volcanic eruptions, and ocean-atmosphere exchange. Human activities, such as the burning of fossil fuels and changes in land use, release large amounts of carbon to the atmosphere, causing CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere to rise. Atmospheric CO2 concentrations have increased by almost 40% since pre-industrial times, from approximately 280 parts per million by volume (ppmv) in the 18th century to 390 ppmv in 2010. The current CO2 level is higher than it has been in at least 800,000 years.
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) reports that human activities now emit more than 135 times as much CO2 as volcanoes each year.
India's 2008 total fossil-fuel CO2 emissions rose 8.1% over the 2007 level to 475 million metric tons of carbon. From 1950 to 2008, India experienced dramatic growth in fossil-fuel CO2 emissions averaging 5.7% per year and becoming the world's third largest fossil-fuel CO2-emitting country. Indian total emissions from fossil-fuel consumption and cement production have more than doubled since 1994. Fossil-fuel emissions in India continue to result largely from coal burning with India being the world's third largest producer of coal. Coal contributed 87% of the co2 emissions in 1950 and 71% in 2008.
Human activities currently release over 30 billion tons of CO2 into the atmosphere every year which in turn is increasing the Earth's temperature resulting in Global Warming and thus causing CLIMATE CHANGE
Heat waves, Droughts, Extreme Floods, Sea Level Rise, Declining water supplies, Reduced agricultural yields
In May 2015, India underwent a large and deadly heat wave. As of 2nd June 2015 reports, this led to the deaths of more than 2,330 people in India by this weather condition with the worst-affected states being Andhra Pradesh and Telangana where maximum temperatures have hovered around a searing 48 degrees Celsius.
India's poor swelter as deadly heat wave kills more than 2,300. Amruta Bai spends her day refilling plastic water cups behind a stall on the stifling hot streets of Hyderabad. The water is free for anyone who needs a drink during a deadly heat wave that killed more than 2,340 people in the past few days. Most of the deaths -- 1,020 -- have been in the southeastern state of Andhra Pradesh, though another 340 have died in nearby Telangana, where Hyderabad is the capital.
People stop by Bai's stall every two minutes as the temperature slowly rises toward its peak, typically in mid- to late afternoon.
The intense heat wave sweeping across India could be another manifestation of an extreme weather event, the Centre for Science and Environment said, warning that more heat waves were in the offing due to rise in global temperatures.
It said climate records show that human-induced global warming had turned 2014 into the hottest year on record while eight out of the ten warmest years in India were during the recent past decade (2001-2010), making it the warmest decade on record with a decadal mean temperature anomaly of 0.49 °C.
In order to stop the Climate Change, Our Indian Government has to adapt a change, and the change is to shift
"The usage from fossil fuel to renewable energy"