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How Jignesh Shah is using bureaucratic red tape to strangle justice

Posted by : Taazakhabar News on | Jan 25,2016

How Jignesh Shah is using bureaucratic red tape to strangle justice

Like a chameleon Jignesh Shah the fallen czar of Indian financial kingdom is changing his strategy form direly influencing the witnesses to sidetrack investigations, managing the media to buying judges’ and lawyers to give a favorable judgment in the FTIL-NSEL case.
There was a time when Jignesh Shah was relying heavily on media management; PR and image building exercises. This gave exploring the loopholes in the legal system by engaging a battery of top most lawyers to save himself –it’s a different story that the money being spent by him belonged to the helpless investors opposing him in court.
 A glaring example of this trend is how Justice V.M. Kanade of the Mumbai High Court reportedly tried to prolong the merger between NSEL and FTIL and thus provided the much needed relief to Jignesh Shah.
Even though some investors alleged foul play Justice Kamade whose son Vishal Kanade represented one of the accused continued to sit in judgment in the Rs 5,600 crore fraud case against Jignesh Shah and associates.
A new twist in Jignesh Shah who has many ex-bureaucrats working for him in a number if his companies involves seeking the help of pen pushing babus in different ministries to play hide and seek with the files. This behind the curtain game is helping Jignesh Shah to shoot and scoot without being caught.
A latest example of this kind is how Pritam Singh a joint secretary in the ministry of corporate affairs is indirectly helping Jignesh Shah by remaining absent from office on one pretext or another in the last three months.
 Singh along with Chaturvedi the Secretary, Ministry of law held a personal hearing of both sides on 12-14 October
The final order was to be issued by 31 October as per the direction of court. Two-three days before that the ministry moved the application in Mumbai High court, asking for a further delay of two months stating that voluminous data has been submitted by FTIL and NSEL on 21st October. Hence they needed more time to study the documents.
On 6th November Pritam Singh went on medical leave for having a bypass surgery.
“If he knew in advance that he needed a bypass so soon, he should not have taken the personal hearing, somebody else should have taken the personal hearing. Isn’t it strange that he needed a bypass 3 week after the personal hearing?” asked an irate investor.
Meanwhile Pritam Singh who was supposed to join back on 30th November did not do so and instead his leave to 31st December.
On 22 December the ministry again moved the Mumbai High Court – just a day before the courts were to close for winter vacation stating that Pritam Singh who has to sign this document is on medical leave and they need another two months.
Allegedly Pritam Singh has again extended his leave from 31st December to 31st ‘Jan and likely to join sometime in Feb. This leads to the following questions:
Does it take 3-5 months to recover from bypass journey?
If his condition was so critical and he knew about the critical condition then why did he take the personal hearing?
Chances are that Pritam Singh might join office around the 8th or 10th of Feb and then the ministry might say we are not in a position to issue the final order or issue a weak order stating that Pritam Singh did not get enough time to go through the voluminous submission made by FTIL, NSE and others.
The NSEL investors are suspecting a big foul play in this.
Read More: https://taazakhabarnews.com/how-jignesh-shah-is-using-judicial-red-tape-to-strangle-justice/
