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Global warming and harsh environment death trap for Coral reefs

Posted by : Taazakhabar News on | May 21,2015

Global warming and harsh environment death trap for Coral reefs

The success of corals that adapt to survive in the world’s hottest sea could contribute to their demise through global warming, according to new research.
Researchers from the University of Southampton and the New York University Abu Dhabi found that local adaptation to high salinity levels in the southern Persian/Arabian Gulf (PAG) may prevent coral escaping their fate, as they lose their superior heat tolerance in waters with normal salinity levels.
Warm water corals depend on a vital partnership with unicellular algae of the genus Symbiodinium. Damage to the algal symbiont through heat stress can result in the breakdown of the association, leading to fatal coral bleaching. Most corals fall victim to bleaching at water temperatures above 32ºC. However, corals from the PAG region survive summer peak temperatures of up to 35ºC on a regular basis.

Read More: http://taazakhabarnews.com/global-warming-and-harsh-environment-death-trap-for-coral-reefs/ 
