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Delhi to host global meet on low temperature science and biotechnology

Posted by : Drug Today Medical Times on | Feb 27,2015

Delhi to host global meet on low temperature science and biotechnology

Drug Today Medical Times
New Delhi

An international conference on 'Low Temperature Science and Biotechnological Advances' is scheduled to be held on April 27-30 here at NASC Complex, Pusa Campus.

Organised by ICAR-NBPGR and National Academy Agricultural Sciences in collaboration with Society for Low Temperature Biology (SLTB) of UK and Royal Botanic Gardens (RBG), Kew, UK, the conference will assess the present status and to formulate future plans on low temperature science and biotechnology in Asian countries as well as other continents.

This international event on cryobiology will provide a unique opportunity to bring together research leaders of diverse disciplines working on crops, veterinary, aquatic species, microbial biotechnology and medical sciences for the first time in Asia.

At the conference, a full session will be dedicated to "Stem Cells and Animal Tissues Biobanking", which would be highly informative for medical doctors and researchers working on stem cells preservation and their therapeutic use.

Plenary speaker for this session will be Dr Glyn Stacy, director, UK Stem Cell Bank. Besides, there will be other eminent key note speakers namely Dr Mrinalini Chaturvedi, medical director, Cryobanks International, Gurgaon; Lt Col Dr Pankaj Talwar (VSM), ART specialist and head, Assisted Reproductive Technologies Centre, Army Hospital (Res & Referral), Delhi Cantonment; Dr (Prof) RN Makroo, director and senior consultant, Department of Transfusion Medicine, Transplant Immunology and Molecular Biology, Apollo Hospital, New Delhi; Dr G Gangenahalli, scientist 'F', INMAS, DRDO, New Delhi. A number of medical doctors is expected to participate in the conference and present their research work through lectures and posters.


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