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Cane toad venom could lead to cancer cure

Posted by : World News Report on | Apr 28,2015

Cane toad venom could lead to cancer cure

Wait before you whack that toad. Not only is it frowned upon to kill cane toads inhumanely, but the amphibian’s venom could be worth a bucket-load.
That’s the message from The University of Queensland School of Pharmacy’s Dr Harendra Parekh, who is exploring how cane toad venom can be used to fight cancer.
“People are killing cane toads by the millions for free, but it’s potentially a very lucrative export market for Australia with the Chinese being extremely interested in naturally derived health products,” Dr Parekh said.
“The Australian cane toad is very similar to the Asiatic toad, whose venom has been used in Chinese medicine for thousands of years.

Read More: worldnewsreport.in/ccane-toad-venom-could-lead-to-cancer-cure/
