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Am I ideal for getting a hair transplant

Posted by : A lonely Write on | Sep 21,2019

Hair loss problem is becoming very common and to get the problem solved the treatment of hair transplantation helps in giving the desired results. But how do we know that we are a suitable candidate for the surgery. For that, read the given topic properly to increase your knowledge.

Hair loss issue is becoming very common among men and women. In some cases, the problem starts with the aging process but sometimes the problem gets triggered early in life. At times, the problem can occur in bald patches or it might lead to complete baldness if you do not get the treatment at the right time.

Well, different points need to be kept in mind while you decide to get the hair transplant. One such factor is very important whether you are a suitable candidate to get a transplant or not.

When you visit our surgeon to get the hair transplant surgery we make sure you get the best knowledge which will solve your problem effectively. Consider the given factors to know if you are a suitable candidate or not for the surgery.

Age factor is considered while planning to get hair transplantation

So, the problem of thin hair or hair fall started at an early age. But, keep in mind that does not always mean you will be getting bald. In some cases, it is a sign of receding hairline which is very normal.

At a young age, the pattern of hair loss is not clear which means getting the treatment at that time might not help. It is possible that hair loss can progress in the future where you have not to get the treatment. In that case, it is possible that medications can solve your problem and you can get the treatment later.

Experiencing Hair Loss Related to Stress (Telogen Effluvium)

There are various reasons for hair loss. It means not all of them will be permanent. Telogen effluvium is the type of hair loss in which hair follicles enter the resting stage. The most common reason this happens is stress.

Due to stress, the hair growth phase stops which will lead to hair fall problem. Once they enter the resting phase, the hair will shed for 3 months.

If the stress phase is over, the hair will start growing back again. In case, the problem does not solve even after 3 months then it is important you seek the help of the doctor.

Hair loss is getting severe

Undergoing FUE hair transplant means the hair will be taken from the back of the scalp and then transplanted to the problematic area. By using a surgical needle the scalp will be punctured so that hair grafts are taken out.

This simply means that there should be enough amount of donor's hair so that grafts can be transplanted successfully to the scalp. During the consultation, the doctor will evaluate the scalp to know the availability to know whether you are an ideal candidate for surgery or not.

Hair is getting thin

In some cases, people think they have started losing hair but they are getting thin. It the hair density is dense then it might be possible you are not ready to get the transplant. There should be enough space on the scalp so that grafts can be inserted properly.

Want to more than book your appointment with our surgeon today only!
